Most drivers that are not considered high risk should be eligible for a discount of up to 10%. Once you print your certificate, you will present it to your insurance company as evidence that you have successfully completed the course. You will then be eligible for up to a 10% discount on your Louisiana auto insurance premiums. Please check with your insurance company to determine your actual discount amount. As mentioned above, Our 1-hour Defensive Driving Course is approved and certified by the State of Louisiana in accordance with the Louisiana Revised Statutes 22:1404 (redesignated r.s. 22:1457). In accordance with this statute, the Commissioner of Insurance has authorized a rate reduction of up to 10% if each insured driver completes a defensive driver course that is approved and certified by the Department of Public Safety and Corrections.
If you have already purchased your course and you are having trouble with your login credentials, please use the Lost your password? box on the log in page to reset your password. You will need to access your email in order to retrieve the password reset email. If you do not receive this email, please be sure to check your junk mail or spam mail folder (some providers, such as gmail, frequently filter automated email into the spam folder).
If you continue to have trouble with your login credentials, please submit a support request.
Certificates are emailed to the email address you entered in at checkout. There are a couple of reasons why you may not have received your certificate.
- You entered an invalid email address during checkout. The email address you entered at checkout is used for receipts and certificates. If you incorrectly entered your email address, you will not receive your certificate. If this is the case, you can log in to your dashboard and download the certificate directly from that page.
- Your email address is valid, but it has automatically filtered the email into your spam or junk mail folder. This is especially true for Gmail accounts. Please check your spam and junk mail folders. Otherwise, you can log in to your dashboard and download the certificate directly from that page.
If you are having trouble using the site, please browse through our FAQ to review the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. If you are still having trouble, please submit a support request.
As a company based in Louisiana, we focus on Louisiana laws and what is important to Louisiana drivers. Our driving curriculum is currently in use by jurisdictions across the state to educate drivers to make our roads safer.
In accordance with Louisiana Revised Statutes 22:1404 (redesignated r.s. 22:1457), our easy to use course is dividing into 5 lessons:
- Sharing the Road with other Vehicles
- Louisiana’s Traffic Safety Laws
- Dangers of Impaired Drivers
- Aggressive and Distracted Driving
- Vehicle Safety Features and Road Hazards
Each lesson has a minimum time requirement, but there is no maximum time, so it can be completed at your own pace. If you take a break or lose connection, you may log back in and continue where you left off.
est questions are developed using the study materials found in each of the 5 course lessons. These study materials consist both written and video content. The test will be divided into 5 parts corresponding to the 5 course lessons.
Each of the 5 test sections will consist of 6 questions. You must answer 5 questions correctly in order to proceed to the next test section.
If you do not pass any portion of the test, you will be directed back to the course dashboard where you can review the study guides and materials. You will then be allowed to take the test again. The test questions are randomly sourced from a bank of test questions, so no two tests are the same.
You can take the test as many times as needed in order to pass. If you decide to take a break or if you lose connection, you may log back in to continue the test. You